Creating your own Animal Kingdom by adopting through MACC

Meet our pets! How my husband and I found a lot of love and joy from our pack of eight adopted animals.

Click through the gallery to see them all!

As some of you may know, I am a very proud pet parent. Rescuing animals is a passion my husband Lane and I share. We are the parents to a pack of EIGHT. Two black cats, six dogs who range in size and breed, all rescues, all absolute characters. Our last four furbabies came to us from Minneapolis Animal Care and Control. Our home has been lovingly, rightfully dubbed “The Animal Kingdom.” 

Rescuing an animal is an undertaking that requires commitment, but such a rewarding experience. Both Minnie and Beefcake have unknown backgrounds, but they came into our home very traumatized. It took time to nurse them back to health both physically and mentally. We stayed up many late nights cuddling them after they had nightmares. Now, they are two of the happiest, most loving girls you could imagine. They are loyal and just ooze gratitude and love. 

That many pets may seem like a lot… and it is, but there are so many rewards from having a pet pack that size. For example:

  1. It is so entertaining to watch them wrestle - especially between the different size dogs and Minnie and the cats. 

  2. Naps and bedtime are heavenly cuddle puddles.

  3. When times get tough out in the world, their joy and love are a soothing balm.


If you are looking to add a furbaby to your family, please adopt don’t shop! Call 311 to be connected to Minneapolis Animal Care and Control to set up an appointment to visit the adoptable cats and dogs. You can also check out the Friends of Minneapolis Animal Care and Control Facebook page!

Remember to license and vaccinate your pets to keep them safe. MACC can help with that, too!